A Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection and University of Connecticut Partnership
Long Island Sound Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change Program

VIII. Database Development

There is currently no central repository of research pertaining specifically to climate change in LIS, even though there are many such research and monitoring projects underway. An online data citation clearinghouse will help address the need to synthesize existing data to identify the effects of climate change on the various ecosystems of Long Island Sound as well as identify early warnings of significant climate change impacts. The clearinghouse, developed through a project agreement between CTDEP, CT Sea Grant, and UConn Department of Marine Sciences, will document Long Island Sound climate change-relevant research and monitoring through a searchable and, where appropriate, geospatial database, as well as citations of relevant research. The goals of the web-based research database are to facilitate collaboration, encourage data assessment and synthesis, and aid in the identification of data gaps. In addition to the research database, the clearinghouse will include documents and methodology pertaining to the development of the LISS Sentinel Monitoring Strategic Plan, as well as contain links to pertinent climate change websites.

The clearinghouse will feature a database of researchers and research programs relevant to climate change in the Long Island Sound estuarine and coastal ecosystems. The database will be initially populated based on the compilation of monitoring research by the state technical work groups and the report of the Science and Technical Advisory Committee Fellows (Appendix I). Actual data will not be included, but rather types of data/research in a geospatial format, where applicable, as well as a point of contact for each available data set. Information on the Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change in Long Island Sound Program will also be included on the web page, as well as other climate/sentinel monitoring related resources. This web page will be housed at the Long Island Sound Resource Center (LISRC) website ( and will be on-line, interactive, and publicly accessible.

This clearinghouse will advance the Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change in Long Island Sound Program by facilitating the synthesis of the research and knowledge pertaining to the physical, chemical, and biological changes with respect to climate change in Long Island Sound. This will assist in coordinating research and aid in improved management of resources and climate adaptation Sound-wide.


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